Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Exam General Chemistry 2 Review

Exam General Chemistry 2 ReviewThe ACHS Exam General Chemistry 2 review is an excellent resource for people who want to get a general chemistry license. This program reviews all of the major topics that are necessary for the licensure exam.By reviewing the material in this comprehensive book, students will know more about the material in their exams than they ever imagined possible. In addition, the book will help individuals to answer many questions about the entire licensing process. If you need to take an ACHS exam, then you will find answers to all of your questions in this guide.The first section of the book reviews the material required for the exam. You will learn how to prepare for the exam and what to expect as a result of passing the exam. You will also learn about the multiple-choice format of the exam and how to determine if you have properly prepared. The second section of the book will give you valuable information about your score, how it is calculated, and how to qual ify.The third section covers a variety of subjects including chemical formula reading, determinants, dissociation, adsorption, reaction times, and other topics that you need to be familiar with. Each section includes sample questions so that you can work on your specific areas of study. There are also several reference guides that make working through the material much easier.The fourth section of the book is more detailed than the previous sections and is a workbook that provides detailed study guides to help students pass their exams. The workbook includes information about how to answer multiple-choice questions and also has procedures for the actual exam. The final section gives you a step-by-step description of the course that you will take to be certified.The book includes multiple chapter topics including exam date, the exam content, procedure, and sample questions. Every chapter also includes lists of resources and contact information. Students should be able to find a book like this anywhere. The information provided is very detailed and you can find it at any drug store or pharmacy.Exam topics include the chemical formula reading section, the determination section, the chemistry content section, the problem solving section, and the listing materials section. These topics are all covered in detail and covered in each chapter. The last part of the book is a workbook that teaches students about the materials they will need for their exams. This section also includes sample questions.The book was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST offers several different versions of this book. The book is usually published in hardbound or softbound formats. The book is available for free, but it is not common to find these books in this format.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Find a Childrens Handwriting Tutor Near Me

How to Find a Children's Handwriting Tutor Near MeSo many people, young and old, need a children's handwriting tutor near me. You can do this by the use of the internet. Here are some tips on how to find a handwriting tutor in your area.Kids handwriting usually comes in on a wide variety of styles, but many of them can be easily traced. That is why, as a parent, you can easily find a kid's handwriting tutor near me. If you need more ideas on how to find a children's handwriting tutor, try doing an internet search on how to find a children's handwriting tutor near me. You will find many good sources and a number of websites that can guide you on how to get a handwriting tutor, too.First, you can narrow down your choice to just one children's handwriting tutor near me by using your city and state. There are lots of websites that help you with this. You may need to keep looking around until you find a good website for you, however.Next, you can take advantage of online ads. You can visi t these sites and look at the classified ads. This gives you a great opportunity to look for a good handwriting tutor online. However, do not just leave an ad to yourself if you do not get anything in return, because it might only be a waste of time.Many of these children's handwriting tutors have classes and some of them even have their own classroom. That is why it is always a good idea to look into where the teachers of the classes they offer are located. Of course, as soon as you find a teacher near you, call them to find out if they are willing to accept your child for a lesson. That way, you will know exactly how much you should pay.If you cannot find a tutor in your city or state, check the internet for companies offering services that will tutor your child. You can check on their services, which may include giving them lessons in a school, giving them information about school books, or sending them out for a lesson for themselves. It is good to choose a tutor who is willing to charge by the hour because this allows you to choose the price you want to pay.As you can see, finding a children's handwriting tutor near me is not hard to do. In fact, you will probably be surprised how easy it is to find one by checking on the internet.

Organic Chemistry Study Tips - How to Find the Best Jobs Available on the Internet

Organic Chemistry Study Tips - How to Find the Best Jobs Available on the InternetAs a student of organic chemistry, you will undoubtedly come across organic chemistry study tips on the internet. This is because the subject is quite difficult and advanced. When studying this chemical science at the college level, you will discover that there are several subjects and a myriad of problems to solve.Most students will know about basic synthetic systems that are used in the industry. If you are reading this article then you have probably already gone through the most basic of problems that the student needs to overcome.It is important to be knowledgeable on many different topics and jobs within the world of business, so it is imperative that you learn as much as you can about jobs and their job's requirements. You should never allow yourself to become dependent on getting 'specialized' with a college degree only.Students should try to discover the jobs that interest them and pick those th at match their abilities and interests. This will provide them with a great source of income and can make them enjoy working in this field.There are many resources that you can use in order to search for a job on a search engine. To get the best results you should type in the phrase, 'chemistry jobs' in your search engine of choice. All you have to do is type in some basic keywords and phrases and you will be presented with many different pages with information about available jobs.You will also want to use the right keywords in order to be able to find relevant results for those keywords. There are several ways that you can do this, such as typing in words that end in 'chemical', 'organic'science'. The search engines are designed to work by collecting the correct keywords and the words that they connect with.After you have completed your job searching, you can now learn more about the chemical specialty. This will open doors for you and will provide you with many different opportun ities in the world of chemistry. Organic chemistry is a very broad field, and many individuals who take the time to study this field to get a broad education.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chemistry EOC Practice Test Answers

Chemistry EOC Practice Test AnswersIf you are like me, when you have a trouble with your students' scores in the physics EOC practice test questions, you can't help to think about the importance of practicing. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about it, except to repeat the mantra, 'pray to help,' and continue until the grade is over.But before you even begin that process, you need to know exactly what you want out of your chemistry EOC practice test questions. There are a few things that you should consider. The most important thing is that you don't just guess at it.First of all, the one thing you need to understand when you are planning your chemistry EOC test questions is that if you didn't know this by now, you will know it soon enough. And guess what? This is a cardinal rule: Do not guess.Okay, back to the question itself. What is the best way to get your students' scores up and improve their scores? I recommend that you don't ask them to go home and do nothing.Instead , take their scores home and go over each of their test questions with them. You can also record their answers so that you can go back and see what they really did.Also, when you go over your test questions with your students, you need to emphasize to them that what they have to do is focus on the parts that the questions were asking them. There is no point in spending a lot of time trying to figure out what is going on, if all you have is half an hour. The more you can focus on the more important questions, the better off you'll be.When you follow this advice, you'll quickly see that chemistry EOC practice questions can actually help you develop better test taking skills. And when you look at the bigger picture, you will see that the entire test may go by without you realizing it. So, don't skip this step - it will make all the difference.

2 Simple Tricks to Play Country Guitar

2 Simple Tricks to Play Country Guitar Sign up successful One of my first guitar teachers emphasized the difference between impression and expression. Country guitar is one hundred percent expression. When you play country guitar, youre not trying to show off how fast you can play a riff or pattern. Practice Your Expression With Your Favorite Country Songs Pick some of your favorite country songs to use for practice. If you dont have any favorites, I suggest using a Hank Williams or Patsy Cline album (preferably a vinyl copy if you have access to one). Nothings more basic and friendly (as well as educational) than the old stuff. Begin by strumming a simple three-chord pattern along with the music in the key that matches. I suggest that you start with C, F, and G7th. If that doesnt work, go up to D, G, and A7th. Once youve found the right chords, hit the bottom string of each chord, strum it, and then repeat. Practice this pattern with no embellishments. Once youre comfortable playing this, youll be ready to begin plucking individual notes. Country songs are played to convey emotions like love, heartache, loss, and simple pleasures like watching a sunset. If the song is in three-four time (one two three, one two three), it helps to match each measure with a three-syllable phrase. For example, if the song is about love, repeat the phrase I love you to yourself and assign each syllable a separate note that supports the power of this message. If the song is about heartache, assign the phrase I miss you to a set of notes. If the song is about loss, you can use a phrase like Im so blue. You can express a simple pleasure, like a picnic or sunset, with a phrase like aint this grand. If the song has a different theme, feel free to make up your own phrase and repeat the process. Add an extra word when you assign phrases to songs in common (four-four) time (I love you, dear). Coordinate Your Solos to Compliment The Songs Pattern Country solos should be mere embellishments of these three- or four-note patterns. Heres where you get the chance to practice and develop your open-handed technique (which should be as playful-sounding as possible). The verbal equivalent of a country guitar solo is an embellishment of a phrase. Its notes might be represent a phrase like I love you. Yes oh yes I do. Yes oh yes I do. I want you to love meto love me..to love me. If you do, Ill be true. You know that Ill be true. Take my hand (my hand my hand my hand) and love me tooand love me too.” Every phrase comprised of words other than the original three (yes oh yes I do. Yes oh yes I do) should be expressed musically with an alternating thumb-and-finger pattern. You might eventually want to take these patterns a step further, and use a more involved phrase like yes oh yes I do. You know I do. Yes oh yes I do and Ill be true.” For beginners who want to learn to play country guitar, I recommend Hank Williams Im So Lonesome, I Could Cry. Its both slow and in three-four time. Its three-note pattern is also easy to follow, and its dictated by the words in the song. Patsy Clines Your Cheatin Heart (in common time) is another great song for beginners. The message in a country song is usually simple and easy to understand. Country guitar patterns express the ups and downs we all experience in life. These tips should help you learn to play some basic country songs. If you need some additional help, find a teacher and sign up for guitar lessons, today! Samuel B. teaches beginner  guitar lessons in Austin, TX. He teaches lessons face-to-face without sheet music, which is his adaptation of Japanese instruction (involving a call-and-response method).  Learn more about Samuel here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Lunchbox LP

Where Can You Take Dutch Lessons

Where Can You Take Dutch Lessons Everything You Need to Know About Learning Dutch in the UK ChaptersWhy Learn Dutch: A Few Great ReasonsResources to Learn and Review DutchDutch at GCSE LevelHow to Certify Your Dutch Language SkillsIf you long to walk the streets of Amsterdam or Utrecht or any other of the Netherlands’ major cities, or you would like to see for yourself the vast fields of tulips in bloom, you may have already concluded that you should learn to speak Dutch.If you have had the pleasure of enjoying bitterballen with your pint in some intimate club off the beaten path in Rotterdam or photographed those iconic windmills guarding the fields of Holland, you may be captivated by Dutch language and culture as we speak. Lucky you!Your Superprof has something for you whether you are of the first category or the second.Here, we help you to continue your Dutch studies by providing a list of resources to learn with and direct you to ways you can certify your language acquisition.You will also discover some great reasons to learn Dutch... as if you needed any!Let’s kic k this article off with that topic and find out how much we’re in accord, shall we?ühwein; what we term mulled wine.And then, there’s the stick-to-the-ribs meal called stamppot... but then, that is a dish to be eaten year ‘round.Naturally, a craving for epicurean delights is not the only reason to learn Dutch.The Dutch seem obsessed with linguistic brevity. In fact, they converse in much the same manner as we text!Be honest: have you ever told someone (not in a text message) “IDK who that guy is”? Or, while out with mates: “BRB, I want to...”The hyper-efficient Dutch have no problem peppering their speech with such shortcuts, so much so that beginner Dutch learners may find themselves completely bewildered, should they eavesdrop on native speakers’ conversation.The curious-sounding aub represents a surgically precise way of saying please rather than signalling difficulties swallowing.Zgn, ipv, mua... quirky vocabulary you won’t learn in any language course, so it would be best to learn how to speak Dutch so you can discover and use these expressions yourself!Other great reasons to learn Dutch include:An easy second language for English speakers to grasp (you already know some Dutch words!)You will understand English better, if only because you are training your brain to distinguish between languagesThe psychological and cognitive benefits of speaking more than one language are well establishedEnjoy Dutch movies â€" a highly underrated industry that provides a fantastic opportunity to listen to conversational DutchTravel: not just to Holland but to Suriname, Aruba or Curaçao, and be understood once you get there!Cycling: if you love to bike around everywhere, you will feel right at home in Holland!Some of their most endearing idioms centre around the bicycle.Now that you burn and yearn to learn, let us provide you with language training materials!Resources to Learn and Review DutchYou may use a blend of printed and online resources to furthe r your Dutch studies Source: Pixabay Credit: Startup Stock PhotosQuite unfortunately, the language of the Netherlands is not among the list of languages that are considered vital to our country’s future economic growth.That means that there are fewer institutions that offer Dutch language lessons; indeed, Dutch as an elective has been withdrawn from our schools.Nevertheless, as a support network for determined language learners such as you, we know you will strive to master Dutch grammar with or without public education... and we will help you do so!Not just by making our more than 100 Dutch tutors available to you but by presenting resources to make your learning experience all-inclusive.First, you will need a Dutch dictionary.The best of the best in that category would arguably be Van Dale publications, specifically the one targeted to those who intend their language learning to culminate in a certification exam.It is titled Dutch as a Second Language NT2 (in Dutch, of course!) and includes sample sentences, verb conjugations and the proper use of articles de or het for every noun.While you are browsing Amazon for your dictionary, you should also order a copy of Concise Dutch Grammar, preferably the edition that includes poetry and essays, if only to get a closer look at Dutch culture.How better to do that than by sampling literary works?And then, you will need access to spoken Dutch, along with some form of instruction.In both cases, DutchPod101 fits the bill.Suitable for beginners or intermediate level students of Dutch and handy even for those more advanced, this series of language instruction videos  are hosted by lively teachers in their native language.After creating your free profile on their page, you may join the community chat platform; a place where you and other Dutch students from around the world may discuss anything from the lessons at hand to challenges of language learning in general.You may consider participation in that forum a form of p eer tutoring, as students help each other understand difficult to grasp grammar â€" de and het, anyone? You may also help improve fellow learners’ pronunciation!And, don’t forget: Superprof tutors are standing by, ready to help you excel in your language courses!Dutch at GCSE LevelIf you have been learning Dutch at breakneck speed with the intention of demonstrating your grasp of Dutch words and phrases at your school leaving exam, you may take heart in this nugget of news:Although students may no longer select Dutch for their GCSE, they may opt to sit the IGCSE offered by Cambridge International.This exam yields an advantage traditional GCSEs don’t: its results are accepted worldwide!However, that bonus comes at a price: this ordeal is a bit more rigorous than the standard test of language ability  formerly administered through the public school system.Fortunately, you may refer to that organisation’s website for review materials including past papers and marking schemes as well as other study resources they recommend.They also provide instructions on how to register for your exam.At this point, you might wonder: what is the purpose of sitting Dutch GCSEs if the A-Level has been withdrawn and there are no Dutch undergraduate programmes available in the UK?How to Certify Your Dutch Language SkillsIndeed it is quite tragic that Dutch is not as sought after as other languages! Source: Pixabay Credit: PDPWe sympathise with you: after so long and so much effort and hard work put into learning a new language, it seems unfair that there are no avenues to prove you can speak this foreign language in our country.But you are certainly welcome to prove your proficiency in Dutch through the Netherlands’ language certification process!In fact, there are three exams you may choose from; the one probably most suited to your purposes would be the CNaVT.Divided into four bands, each exam is tailored made for any learner’s specific purpose: the tourist, those desir ing to relocate, those who want to work in the Netherlands and those who want to study at a Dutch university.There is a fifth band as well: those who are at near-native speaker or bilingual level... is that you?This proof of your language ability most closely matches the structure of other CEFRL exams: you would be tested purely on your reading and writing ability in Dutch, as well as listening and speaking.If your plan, from the outset, is to relocate, you might consider focusing on the controversial ‘assimilation’ exam which requires candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Dutch law and societal convention.This exam requires you to sit a pretest in the UK prior to migrating to the Netherlands for the actual qualifying exam.In fact, if you plan on living in the Netherlands, you will be required to pass this test but, if you’ve successfully demonstrated your ability to speak Dutch through the CNaVT, you may waive the assimilation exam’s pretest.In spit e of Dutch not being a strong contender as a world language, it is a tongue well worth learning: for its unconventional turns of phrase to its absolutely conventional cuisine, this culture and its language deserves to be celebrated.We’re so glad you’re with us on that point!

When is the Right Time to Start Music Lessons

When is the Right Time to Start Music Lessons Suzy S. Music lessons really are for all ages! Dont believe us? Think youre too old to learn? Read on as Dayton, OH teacher Mike H. explains why this is far from the case! Studies have shown that the younger a child is, the better the chances of starting a successful music education. Children as young as 2 start learning under the Suzuki method and most children have a “window” of opportunity that opens around age 3. Sadly, that window closes around age 10, well past the age where most public schools now begin their instrumental music programs. But what if you’re an adult who never got to learn the instrument of your dreams? I have talked to people over the years who were trying to encourage their own children to take the opportunities they had not. They were encouraging their children to learn music from a perspective of missed opportunities and the thought that it’s too late for them but not for their child. Well, it’s never too late to learn a musical instrument! Adults may not realize that now that they’re fully grown with life experience, they are capable of learning an instrument despite the perceived setbacks. They often become bogged down with work schedules, family life and the delicate balance of life. But music lessons later in life have suggested a number of extra benefits such as: It can be relaxing and a great way to de-stress. Music lessons can help with organization and planning skills. Music can enhance your ability to do math and logical calculations There are more opportunities than you might realize for public performance Learning an instrument later life can act as an obstacle to Alzheimers I’d like to start at that top of that list and discuss the relaxation benefits of taking music lessons and illustrate a few examples of what that might look like.   If you’re like most adults, you already have some sort of activity you enjoy when you get the time whether that be a hobby, or a simple afternoon nap. Listening to your favorite music has a calming effect. Your blood pressure will drop slightly and your heart rate will actually pace itself to the beat of the song. This is why you prefer hearing up-tempo music while exercising but not necessarily while trying to sleep. But what about playing an instrument? In my experience, this effect is heightened a bit more than just listening, which alone is often done in the background of other activity. In that case, it’s not likely to work at all.   When you concentrate on the notes of a melody of a familiar song while playing it yourself, you can hear it come to life and the satisfaction from the hard work and perseverance is more rewarding than simply listening to the song on an iPod. The skills you pick up learning an instrument pay off huge dividends and you may find it’s easier than you think to get started. So drag out your guitar or dust off your old piano and take the first step! Like this post? Dont miss out on any of our tips, tricks and advice! Sign up for a free email subscription and receive our updates! You might also like 4 Inspirational TED Talks for Musicians Battling Your Inner Critic During Performances 5 Key Advantages of Taking Music Lessons as an Adult Mike H. teaches drum, guitar, piano, music recording, music theory, percussion and songwriting lessons in Dayton, OH. He received his Bachelors degree in Music Education from Wright State University, and has over 11 years of experience teaching music! Mike joined the TakeLessons team in December 2012. Learn more about Mike, or search for a teacher near you! Photo by Tulane Public Relations

The Best Chefs at the Moment

The Best Chefs at the Moment The Most Famous Chefs Today ChaptersAlain Ducasse, the Michelin-starred ChefJamie OliverEmeril LagasseBobby FlayGordon RamsayRachael RayPierre GagnaireMario Batali“There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” - George Bernard ShawA lot of people work in the restaurant industry around the world. Among them, you’ll find the greatest chefs.  There are plenty of famous chefs who’ve left us but there are also a lot of great chefs who are still alive and kicking. In this article, we're going to look at chefs from all over the world who've made their mark on the world of cooking. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsAlain Ducasse, the Michelin-starred ChefAs the son of farmers, he grew up on a farm. He never got his chef’s diploma, having dropped out a few months before graduating.  That didn’t stop him making a name for himself alongside Michel Guérard and Gaston Lenôtre, the famed pastry chef.Michelin doesn't just do tyres, they also award restaurants stars. (Source: Toby_Parsons)He has been given Michelin stars three different times for three different restaurants. As the boss of 20 establishments and over 1,400 staff members, Alain Ducasse is a real businessman. He was also included in Forbes’ most influential people.He was given the Legion of Honour by Jacques Chirac in 2009.  His signature dish is spelt wheat and winter vegetables.Jamie OliverJamie Oliver started out as a pastry chef for Antonio Carluccio at his Neal Stre et restaurant. He was discovered while working at the River Café as a sous chef and made his first television show, The Naked Chef.His Feed Me Better campaign was aimed at ensuring that schoolchildren ate healthy meals at school. That said, he's been no stranger to controversy. From using chorizo in paella to his restaurant chain being contaminated with E. Coli, he's a divisive character despite his somewhat charming personality.While advertising for Sainsbury's supermarkets, he openly criticised the products of supermarkets around the UK, putting an end to 11 years of working with the chain.He also had some success across the pond as he tried to change the way Americans eat. However, his efforts to show people how easy it is to cook food on a budget has been criticised for overestimated how cheap some ingredients actually are.Emeril LagasseEmeril Lagasse is an American chef, James Beard Award winner, and restaurateur famous for New New Orleans cooking style. He's also the executiv e chef of thirteen restaurants in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Orlando, and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.He's the son of a French-Canadian father and Portuguese mother and learnt he had a gift for cooking while working in a Portuguese bakery as a teenager.He attended the JWU culinary school and later became the executive chef of the Commander's Palace before eventually opening his own restaurants.His restaurant in New Orleans has won awards and he's even helped NASA improve the food they give to astronauts.His first television show was Great Chefs and he hosted Essence of Emeril on FoodTV. He also hosted a culinary travel show, cooking competitions (notably Top Chef), and even appeared in Disney's The Princess and the Frog (which was set in New Orleans).His cooking style takes traditional New Orleans and Creole cuisine with influences from Asian, Portuguese, and Southwestern cuisine.Join in amazing cookery courses London thanks to Superprof. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBobby FlayBobby Flay is another celebrated American Chef famous for his cooking  TV shows. He is famous for his Mexican and Southwest cooking style and is the executive chef of restaurants in Vegas, New York, and Atlantic City.Bobby Flay has picked Las Vegas as the destination for one of his restaurants. (Source: Pexels)He was born in New York and after dropping out of school aged 17, he worked in a pizza parlour. Later on, the owner of the restaura nt where he worked agreed to pay for him to attend the French Culinary Institute.Once he graduated, he started as a sous chef. He became executive chef at the Brighton Grill on Third Avenue just after a week of working there. However, he realised he wasn't ready to run a kitchen and subsequently quit.He presented many shows on the Food Network in the US and occasionally teaches in the French Culinary Institute when his schedule permits.Flay was also on Iron Chef America. While he lost in a battle against Masaharu Morimoto in New York, he later won the rematch in Japan.He's won many awards including the James Beard Foundation Award.Gordon RamsayThe Scottish chef Gordon Ramsay is known for his TV shows MasterChef in the US or Kitchen Nightmares.He’s one of only three chefs to have received three Michelin stars at once.  However, as a child, he was destined to become a footballer and was part of the Warwickshire team at the age of 12. A knee injury forced him to change his plans and after planning a career in the Royal Navy, he signed up to a cooking school.He learnt from Marco Pierre White and then learnt the basics of French cooking in Albert Roux’s restaurant in London. Two years later, he went to Paris and found a job with Guy Savoy and Joël Robuchon.Gordon Ramsay learnt to cook in France. (Source: Free-Photos)In 1993, his former employer Marco Pierre White offered him the job as head chef. The Aubergine restaurant quickly earned its first Michelin star. After earning its second Michelin star, Gordon Ramsay decided to open his own restaurant. He’s continued to open restaurants and his most recent one is Le Pressoir d’Argent in Bordeaux.Beef Wellington is his signature dish.Rachael RayRachael Ray is another popular American TV personality and celebrity chef. In some respects, she's similar to Jamie Oliver in the way that she focuses on quick and easy cuisine rather than gourmet dishes.She was born in New York State and later moved to New York City. He r 30-minute dishes have been criticised for not taking preparation time into account.Despite appearing on cooking shows and writing many cookbooks, Ray regularly states that she's not a chef as she's had no formal training. That said, it doesn't matter how much training you've had if you know how to cook!Pierre GagnairePierre Gagnaire was trained by Paul Bocuse, took over his father’s restaurant, opened his own and got three Michelin stars.Following financial difficulties, Pierre Gagnaire closed his restaurant and went back to Paris where he’d quickly earn himself three Michelin stars. He loves cooking modest dishes and has opened restaurants in Tokyo, London, Las Vegas, and Dubai.A jack of all trades, he loves trying new creations and is considered one of the greatest chefs of all time.Since he's so creative, he doesn’t really have a signature dish.Find out more about the most popular dishes in the UK.Mario BataliMario Batali learnt to cook at a restaurant called “Stuff Yer Face”. However, he also received training at Rutgers University and Le Cordon Bleu.A Cordon Bleu is not just a dish but also a prestigious cooking school. (Source: ReinhardThrainer)He's famous for his Italian cooking style and has won many awards. His television career started on the Food Network in 1996 with the show Molto Mario where he toured Italy. He also appeared on Iron Chef America and won the James Beard Foundation Award for Best New Restaurant of 1998.Feeling hungry? Why not try some of the food in these famous chefs’ restaurants?If you want to learn how to cook like these chefs, you should consider getting help from one of the private tutors on Superprof. You can find tutors from all over the UK and all over the world offering different types of private tutorials: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials involve just you and the tutor. With bespoke lessons, these are the most effective type of tutorials. However, they also tend to be the most expensive as you're paying for a tailored service from your private tutor.Online tutorials take place via a webcam using a programme such as Skype. Since the tutor doesn't need to travel to their student, these savings are reflected in their rates. While you really want a tutor there with you for hands-on skills like cooking, online tutorials are a good option for those on a budget as you can learn from tutors from all over the world.Finally, there are group tutorials. While you won't get as much one-on-one time with your tutor, you'll probably pay much less than the other types of tutorials since the cost is shared between you and your fellow students. You could always get a group of friends together and learn a new skill together.Each type of tutorial has its advantages and disadvantages and it's up to you to decide which one works for you and your budget. One thing's for sure, with the right tutor and tutorials, you'll soon be cooking like a pro!

Biology Revision 10 Reasons to Love the Subject

Biology Revision 10 Reasons to Love the Subject 10 Great Things About Biology Chapters1. You can make the most of hands-on learning2. Learn latest research methods3. You can use its principles to answer big questions4. You can benefit from a clear career path5. You can discover the basic living concepts6. You can learn about the human body and how treat it7. You can explore the food chain in an ecosystem8. You can better understand the environment9. You will receive accreditation10. It is important to societyGCSE A Level Biology RevisionIf you’re still on the fence about whether this subject can deliver on all levels, including providing the fun factor, interesting content and great career prospects for the future, then check out the list below for ten great reasons to study Biology.Why Should You Take Your Biology Revision Seriously?Referred to as the 'science of life', Biology is an exciting, practical science that explores all living things, including humans, animals and plants.Biology allows you to gain an in-depth understanding of all living organisms on our planet, i.e. how they function as well as how they rely on one another to survive.From Year 7 through to your scientific university degree, Biology offers you so much in terms of knowledge, skills, activities, excursions, and possibly even accreditation. With this many opportunities on offer, both academically and professionally, you must ensure that you take your Biology lessons seriously, even if you don't see yourself pursuing the subject during your higher education.See how you can benefit from a biology a level tutor  by clicking  here.Being given the chance to learn about how your body works and how to nurture the environment all around us is such a fantastic opportunity, as it enables us to grasp concepts that are intertwined with our everyday lives.Just because you do not want to study biological anatomy in the future doesn't mean you shouldn't at least show an interest in how your body fights off germs, how chromosomes dictate how we look and how the male and female reproductive systems work, for example.Moreover, examining animal and plant matters can be very useful in understanding seemingly ordinary things like how their input in our diet, nutrition and health, which are extremely important to daily life.